Section: Software


Participants : Fang Cao, Olivier Commowick, Elise Bannier, Christian Barillot.

We developed a simulator package SimuBloch, which is made for a fast simulation of image sequences based on Bloch equations, which can be run directly from VIP Portal: http://vip.creatis.insa-lyon.fr . The current version is v0.3. The simulator allows to construct 6 different MR pulse sequences:

  1. SimuBlochSE: Simulation of spin echo sequences.

  2. SimuBlochGRE: Simulation of gradient echo sequences.

  3. SimuBlochIR-SE: Simulation of inversion recovery spin echo sequences.

  4. SimuBlochIR-GRE: Simulation of inversion recovery gradient echo sequences.

  5. SimuBlochSP-GRE: Simulation of spoiled gradient echo sequences.

  6. SimuBlochCoherentGRE: Simulation of coherent gradient echo sequences.